Friday, July 25, 2008

Entry 18: 26/7/08

This will be my last post, and it will be a reflection of this whole project in general.

To summarise, this project has certainly been a enjoyable one. Through the whole course of this project, I have learnt aplenty on the topics which i researched on, which is Ecology and Nutrient Cycles in the Ecosystem, and Issues on Sex.

Besides information and facts that I have learnt, like the types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and the importance of an organism in the ecosystem, I have learnt valuable life lessons, and realised many things. One life lesson I have learnt is that we should be ready to accept the risks and consequences of our actions. An example is in the form of STDs. If we engage in casual sex, or visit sex workers, we should be ready to face the music, in the form of diseases such as Genital Warts, Genital Herpes etc. This also showed me the importance of practising safe sex, so as to protect ourselves from this diseases, which can be prevented from the start. Also, I realised that many of our planet's rich diversity of organisms are declining, due to a variety of problems. The biggest of these problems is Global Warming. Global Warming has caused the melting of the polar ice caps in Antarctica, which has affected the krill there. The species of animals that feed on the krill are declining because of the krill's decline. Once again, from here, we can see the importance of an organism to the ecosystem.

Throughout this learning experience, the most surprising information I have come across is about the reason behind the decreasing numbers of the many species of animals in the Antarctic. I did not know that the decline of krill had been the cause of the problem, as i had initially thought that the declining sea ice affected the species of animals as they could not find land to rest on and drown. Also, i did not expect the many species in the Antarctic to be this badly affected.

After the research, I still have many queries that are yet unsolved. One of them is about how the STDs actually start developing in someone's body. Although I have found out what type of micro-organisms cause these diseases, I have yet to find out how do we get these micro-organisms in our body in the first place. This is a most interesting piece of information that I would like to know about. This knowledge might help scientists prevent the spread of any diseases.

Of course, it is inevitable that challenges lie ahead for any project. For me, one of the difficulties is to actually find a source that gives reliable and sufficient information. To overcome this difficulty, one of course must have patience. Patience is the key to success, and eventually I found reliable sources in the end.

To summarise, this project has certainly been challenging, and has given me an opportunity to learn information beyond the textbooks.

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