Saturday, July 19, 2008

Entry 10: 20/7/08

I shall now continue on my last post.

The Birth Control Pills or Pregnancy Pills that was mentioned in the earlier post are known as daily contraceptive pills that are taken daily to prevent pregnancy. There is another type of pill that is used for emergency contraception.

These pills are commonly named as the "Morning After Pills". Pregnancy can be prevented after sexual intercourse by taking Emergency Contraceptive pills (EC). It works by giving the body a short, high, burst of synthetic hormones. This disrupts hormone patterns needed for pregnancy. EC affects the ovaries and the development of the uterine lining, making pregnancy less likely. Depending upon where the woman is in her menstrual cycle, the EC hormones prevent pregnancy in different ways. It prevents ovulation, which is the process of the egg leaving the ovary and moving into the fallopian tube. It blocks the hormones needed for the egg to be able to be fertilized. It affects the lining of the uterus and alters sperm transport which prevents sperm from meeting the egg and fertilizing it.

EC may be effective up to 120 hours, which is about 5 days after intercourse. But, it is most effective within the first 24 hours. Emergency Contraception reduces the risk of pregnancy by 75%. However, EC does not protect against reproductive tract infections, including HIV/AIDS.

The advantages of using Emergency Contraception Pills are:
- They can be used after intercourse.
-Easy to use.
-Does not affect future fertility.

However, the disadvantages are as follows:
-Does not protect against Sexually Transmitted Infections, including HIV/AIDS.
-Most effective when taken as soon as possible after unprotected vaginal intercourse.
-Side effects may include nausea.
-Must be readily available.

I shall continue on my next post.


Synthetic: Noting or pertaining to compounds formed through a chemical process by human agency, as opposed to those of natural origin: synthetic vitamins; synthetic fiber.

Contraception: The deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation by any of various drugs, techniques, or devices; birth control.

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